Jan and Buzz Loveless

Jan and Buzz Loveless, both Texas A&M Aggies,  ran an innovative educational program known as  “Horse and Reader.” It was Grace’s  introduction to horses, their care, and riding.  For Grace, it fostered an interest in reading and an obsession with horses. Grace never left class on time as she always found a way to stay to help with the horses.

Marily Reese

From dressage events to riding the entire Pacific Crest Trail, Marily Reese is the true “Renaissance Rider.” Co-owner of Sequoia Hills Stables, her experiences as a backcountry ranger, competitor, and breeder have given her unrivaled insights into all aspects of horsemanship. She is an enthusiastic teacher and shares at every opportunity . The “classroom” might  be the trail along the creek, the arena, or  a Pony Club outing.

Jenny House

It is an honor to be in the saddle of an accomplished equestrian and corporate leader. Jenny House is a PhD educator with a resume including Hewlett Packard, Apple, Stanford, and her own company. A  NorCal Hunter Jumper Association board member, she is also an accomplished equestrian with a history of successes including a national championship on Grand Marnier.  Her help in navigating the equestrian world has been invaluable. Jenny House is the role model any young equestrian would aspire to.